What exactly is split testing? Why would you use it? Split testing is a way to test precisely what functionality or graphic design works on a website. It’s the method of providing a visitor with two alternative experiences. We do this by including experimental...
Updated 28.5.2021 Business branding – what does this term mean and what you can do to establish one for your company? Are logos important? One of the first questions Woodswork Design will ask when we start the graphic design aspect of your website is “Do...
To add a Fontawesome font, login and copy your kit code. I have added it here… KITCODE <script src=”https://kit.fontawesome.com/0902eed645.js” crossorigin=”anonymous”></script> Paste this into the Divi > Theme...
What’s new? We’ve just launched our new website using Divi in WordPress. We’ve built quite a few using Divi now and the backend user experience is out of this world. Divi utilises its own Divi Builder Plugin which allows fronted editing for you the...