Learning how to write effective blog content might be easier than you think We have already established that writing a blog for your business is worth the effort because a blog can help create all kinds of opportunities as you build and expose your brand. You can grab...
Does writing a blog post for your website make you feel out of your depth? Every time we build a website, we get asked the same question by the client: “do I need a blog on my site?”. Then we explain that having a website for your business isn’t...
If you want to make sure you are easy to do business with, here are 8 things you can check. Be honest, are you easy to do business with? The likelihood of customers and clients wanting to work with you or buy from you once and the repeat the process is largely to do...
Testimonials help to convert visitors to customers When visitors land on your website, it can be a challenge to persuade them to part with their hard-earned dollars or call a service provider or tradesperson they don’t know. This is why testimonials are good for...
Let’s talk about the difference between HTTP and HTTPS? These days, most sites serve their content via https, which provides a safe, encrypted experience for visitors. Over 90% of websites visited are sites that utilise HTTPS. Most search results are HTTPS...
Your blog or news articles are a key part of a great digital marketing strategy. Compelling blog posts follow search engine optimisation (SEO) guidelines. These include titles and sub-headings with your key phrase, a good keyword/phrase ratio, and using targeted...