To add a Fontawesome font, login and copy your kit code.
I have added it here…

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


Paste this into the Divi > Theme Options > Integration > Head
In the end, I used a paid plugin by Green Tree Media.
See Plugins > Plugins WW Bought
Divi Font Awesome

We used Font Awesome on the following sites:

Kowhai Surgery

More about Font Awesome

Font Awesome  amazingly enough, is free (icons sets can be a bit expensive, making this a pretty great deal). Font Awesome is a robust icon set that contains scalable vector icons.There are lots of important types of icons that come with Font Awesome: social media, UI/web-related, and loads more!

Icons are important to website design projects because they are a visual way to add meaning to elements. Font Awesome allows for an easy addition to your WordPress theme, saving valuable time because you don’t need to save and create the graphics yourself.

Font Awesome is a very good icon option because…

It’s retina ready and very easy to style

CSS is used to style the font and can easily change the colour, size, drop shadow, or  any other customisations of an icon. You get all of the styling benefits of a normal font, now with icons! Designers like to use icons as fonts because of how easy it is to style. Using a font style icon will also render icons as sharp as your device will allow, so there’s no need to worry about creating retina graphics since Font Awesome will give you high-quality iconography on every device. This is more important than ever for responsive design across devices. 

It’s a font

It is pretty obvious what the format is, it’s a font. Being a font makes it super quick to add to the site. There are other options instead of using a font to display icons. You may be familiar with other approaches such as using individual images or site specific sprite-sheets for icons. 

Browsers love Font Awesome

You never need to worry about Font Awesome’s compatibility across browsers; it’s very well supported by all modern browsers. With all file formats included (.eot, .ttf, .woff, and svg), it’s treated the same way as other web fonts.

It has a performance advantage

We all love fast websites, so it’s important to provide that experience to your users. All the icons are included in one font file, so it only takes a single HTTP request to load Font Awesome. This is great for performance so it’s worth considering Font Awesome as a solution.

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