Controlling Gravity field visibility

Sometimes a client wants all of the Gravity Forms form fields to be visible on their notifications.  This is so that they know what information has NOT been provided. By default, the Gravity field visibility doesn’t display the fields that are not filled in if not required.

This is important when fields are not required because it gives the client a reminder that there is other information on their form. They can use these blank fields as an opportunity to discuss options with the client or visitor filling in the form.

Making these fields a required field may not be the best solution either – particularly if the form is complicated and the visitor may be tempted to abandon the form. Leaving the fields optional makes the form less confrontational.

Allowing the fields that are not filled out to stay present on the form means that you are able to cover these items in a quick phone call to discuss the options available to the submitter. It could possibly also mean an upsell opportunity. The ability to be reminded that certain fields were not filled allows the topic to be revisited in a passive way.

How to action this change to the fields displayed

I little change to the notification code will fix this.

Usually, it says {all_fields}
Just change it to {all_fields:empty}

That’s it.

We used Gravity Form extra code on the following sites:

Mr Hire Purchase

Why we use Gravity Forms

We can quickly design and build forms using the intuitive visual form editor. It’s easily configured to your requirements, the options are limitless and forms are easily embedded on your site, wherever you need them.


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