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How to undo changes you have made

If you have made a change you are not happy with and you are still in that page on another browser tab and haven’t saved the page yet….

You are able to make changes in several ways.

If you want to undo one change on a MAC you can use quick keys #Z and #shiftZ.

If you want to undo one change on a PC use whichever is correct for your device.


You can easily hit the X on any module you are editing and the setting will not be saved.


Divi has a roll back icon as circled below.

undo icon

If you click on this icon an Editing History window will open and you will be able to reverse the most recent actions made all the way back until the page was opened/loaded. EVEN if you have saved the page. BUT NOT if you EXIT the page.

Edit History

If you try to exit the visual builder without saving the page you will get the following prompt box. The box will allow you to discard or save the edits you have made to the entire page.

unsaved changes

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