Getting Started

Here’s an overview of what we may need to start when building a website for you.  
These steps will guide you so that you know what to expect and what content you may need to give us.
If you have any questions, give us a call.

1. What we may need to start building a website for you


PDF, EPS or high res JPEG or PNG if possible. If you don’t have one we can create one for you.


Your hosting account such as Crazy Domains etc login and/or Cpanel username and password.


An administrator login to your current WordPress site, if you already have a WordPress website.


Current and/or new images, illustrations, bio or product images you’d like to use on your new website.


Page content and any information or text you specifically want to include on the site.


Brand style guide, colour preferences or any specific design requirements you would like us to use.
These items can be uploaded to your secure Dropbox folder or Google Drive folder, depending on your preference.

2. We’ll send you a Dropbox or Google Drive folder

google drive

Dropbox or Google Drive are great online image/file sharing platforms. You may not need one for every project, but if you have more than 15-20 images for your website, or if they’re too big to send through email, we can use Dropbox or Google Drive. We can also use them to share important logins and credentials instead of sending through email. We will set up a folder for the project and share it with you via email. You can upload all images and files there.

3. The design process when building a website

Designing a website, no matter how big or small, is an extensive process that can be overwhelming. We’ve outlined our process into three steps to help you understand what to expect during the design and development.

building a website


A large part of designing a website is in the planning and layout stage of the process. Woodswork create a basic Home page wireframe diagram to confirm the site requirements and logic. The wireframe requires approval before we start building your site. The wireframe does not reflect the site design; we keep the wireframe looking basic on purpose! We use Lorem Ipsum now to indicate type areas. Depending on the project budget, we may decide to design the home page and possibly a subpage for approval before we continue the build.


Once the site layout wireframe is approved, and all content is available, we move forward with designing the entire site: add all the pages, functionality, and plugins required. Before moving to the final step, we’ll ensure your site looks great and functions nicely across all devices and web browsers.


Once the site is ready, you’ll be able to review each page, and we can make detailed edits. We ask that you inspect ALL pages to ensure all spelling, grammar, addresses, and information are correct before going live. Your site build includes 2 hours of changes. These can be emailed or sent in a document. Once you are happy with your site, please notify us by email of your approval.

4. Wrapping it up & going live


During the build and approval stage, your website is hosted on our secure WordPress host; your site has only been able to be viewed by those sent the link. Now it is time to point your domain to your new website. To do this we need access to your domain name hosting credentials. If you are unsure what these are, we can usually help you find out. Once this is done, your site is on the world wide web.

Now the site is live, it may take 24-48 hours for the new site to pull up on some devices. Some computers will need to be refreshed to see the new site, though most will see the new site immediately – this can depend on the WIFI connection.

Your website login/s are sent to you via email. You’ll also receive a temporary password that you can reset. Once your new website is live, we’ll send you a link to our “moving forward” and “training” pages with tips and tricks on using your new website.

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